Sunday, October 30, 2005

Jerry Large rocks!

Seattle Times columnist (and Guild member) Jerry Large writes about the legacy of Rosa Parks and the importance of raising a fuss.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tell Wal-Mart to play nice

Want to protest Wal-Mart's union-busting business practices?

Do so here.

Activism isn't a game...

... or is it?

"A Force More Powerful," a new computer game based on the PBS documentary with the same name, teaches activists strategies for nonviolent conflict.

Read the Wired story here.

Here's a quote: "You have to worry about your organization. Do you set up a hierarchal organization, or a cell-based one? Who is the best figurehead for the media? What kind of training do people need? And if you march on the capital without proper controls, things may turn violent, which will harm your cause. These are the things people can learn."

"The Art of War" for the pro-social crowd.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Davis Bacon gets unsuspended!

Jonathan Tasini reports on that here.

See? That's why we need a union

The St. Paul Pioneer Press suspended a copy editor for attending a peace rally. This is the same paper that suspended a couple of reporters for going to a Bruce Springsteen/R.E.M. concert that raised money for the Kerry campaign.

The Newspaper Guild local there grieved the reporters' suspension and will fight this new case as well.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Labor's Hurricane George"

It's not every day that union process makes the news

Daniel Engber explains the process for dismissal of a Guild-represented employee in the Slate magazine story "How do you fire a New York Times reporter?"

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sprint strike info

Info on the Sprint strike here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The future of newspapers

Washington Post media and entertainment reporter Frank Ahrens discusses technology and the future of newspapers.

Jobs in journalism

Who says there are no new opportunities in our field?

Al-Qaida's hiring.

Can't you just imagine trying to organize that workplace?: "So ... what are your issues?"

The information industries get organized

Jonathan Tasini reports in Working Life that the AFL-CIO has created an Arts, Entertainment, Media and Telecommunications Industry Coordinating Committee. (CWA and The Newspaper Guild are listed as member unions.

Newsprint blues

Jack Shafer says that newspaper publishers' complaints about newsprint prices are a load of crap.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A deal in the CBC lockout!

OK, it's not totally settled. There's been no vote. And the ink's not dry and all that.

But really ... the workers won.

Read more at CBC Unplugged and in the Globe & Mail.

And then do a little dance.

Because a victory for one is a victory for all!

"Flightplan" boycott

Jonathan Tasini reports that the Association of Flight Attendants (a CWA union) is asking for a boycott of the Jodie Foster flick "Flightplan."

It's because of an unflattering portrayal of flight attendants. I'll comply with this boycott, but I have to note that if the Guild asked for a similar boycott based on unflattering portrayals of journalists, we'd have to stop watching pretty much all movies and TV.
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